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A Level Design Document for a 3v3 First Person Shooter

Tasked with the challenge to create a first person shooter 3 v 3 map inside of the world of Harry Potter with the added twist of aliens. Given we were to really lean into the "red vs blue" rivalry I decided to utilize the in world rivalry of Gryffindor vs Slytherin. So I chose my map to be set in the space of Gryffindor Tower, the quad and Slytherin Dorms, after aliens had invaded and tried to claim the "best" living quarters on campus.

On this page you can look over some diagrams I made for this assignment as well as download and read the full level design document as well as the adjacent modular level design document where I go more in depth with creating assets/layout for the red team base.

Click here to go to the bottom of the page to download the full LDDs



Here is a diagram giving a full top down view of the map as well as all player spawns, flags, weapons, and health items. 

My goal was to make the layout as symmetrical as possible as I could while adhering to the world's lore. 


Here is my bubble diagram outlining all of the key points on the map as well as all entrances and exits to the areas. 

To see a more in depth version of this diagram, look to the "MAIN LDD" PDF at the bottom of the page.


This diagram showcases the 3 different elevation heights of the level.

Something that makes this level unique is that it not only follows the lore of the world it is built inside of but offers a unique experience for both teams even though the layout(from above) is fairly symmetrical. 


This diagram showcases all the line of sight's built into this level. 

Both bases have their own height/sight advantages. The red team's base is best for scoping enemies coming into the base from above. The blue team's base gives opportunity to attack from the sides to best defend their flags upon re-spawn. 


Below are two Level Design Documents (LDDS) related to this project, which goes more in depth with my design, inspiration and layout of the project. The "MAIN LDD" includes all the references for all zones, all maps, diagrams and lore. The "MODULAR LDD" is another LDD based on the same lore as the main, however, this focus's in on making modular assets for the red team's base. 



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